Mr. Peanut Helps, Hook Hall Helps

Last week Planters Peanuts announced it would join brands like Budweiser and Coke-a-Cola in not buying Super Bowl Ads and instead using the money to support those struggling in the pandemic.

Hook Hall Helps began as a pop up disaster relief center for DC area hospitality workers at the start of the pandemic. Housed out of the Parkview bar and gathering space Hook Hall this local operation quickly got global recognition and has provided countless amounts of comfort to furloughed and unemployed restaurant and bar workers. When Mr. Peanut’s people reached out with a massive grant to owner Anna Valero via social media she naturally was a little skeptical. Anna chatted with Tommy McFLY moments after news broke of the huge cash help to their operations.

Hook Hall Helps is currently offering support in DC and a new location in National Landing. Everyone seems to be thrilled with the news and support, except for a few on social media who well, are kind of nuts.

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